Service Up

InBox CMDBInventorySync

Version 7.0.1

Date of criation 05/04/2020


This module aims to assist the management of CMDB inventory integrations. It is possible to create integrations with several third party systems.

Currently it is possible to create integrations with:

• Zabbix; • DBConnector; • OCS Inventory (2.4 and newer);

Soon it will be possible to manage integrations with:

• LANDesk Management Suite;



The following versions of the Znuny framework are supported:

  • [7.0.x]


The following modules are required:

  • InBox Core 7.0.1 or superior
  • GeneralCatalog 7.0.0 or superior

Operational system

The following operating systems are required:

  • [None]

Third Party Software

The following third party software is required:

  • [None]


bin/ Admin::Package::Install /path/to/InBox\ CMDBInventorySync-7.0.1.opm


This module can be configured via System Configuration in the administrative interface. The following configuration options are available:


Defines the available integration objects;


Cron configuration that will perform the integrations related to Zabbix.


Cron configuration that will perform the integrations related to DBConnector.


Cron configuration that will perform the integrations related to OCS Inventory.


Create an integration

Access the administrative area and click on "CMDB Inventory Synchronization";


When accessing, all created integrations will be listed.


To add, select the integration object beside:


For each object, the creation screen will follow according to the necessary configuration.

Integration with Zabbix

For the integration with Zabbix you will need the following API information:

  • URL
  • User
  • Password


Before continuing, the module verifies that the data provided is correct:


With the data entered correctly, when advancing it will be necessary to choose the groups of hosts or check the option "All Existing Groups" to determine which hosts will be integrated in the Znuny.


Then you must choose which class of CMDB should receive the hosts.


By default, a class is created when installing the module. The "Zabbix Inventory" class must be granted group permission in the catalog settings to function properly.


The basic definition for creating another class is:

		Key => "Description", 
		Name => "Description", 
		Searchable => 1, 
		Input => { 
			Type => "TextArea", 
			Required => 0, 
		CountMin => 1, 
		CountMax => 1, 
		CountDefault => 1, 
		Key => "HostID",
		Name => "Host ID",
		Searchable => 1,
		Input => { 
			Type => "Text",
		Key => "HostGroupID",
		Name => "Host Group ID",
		Searchable => 1,
		Input => { 
			Type => "Text",
		Key => "HostGroupName",
		Name => "Host Group Name",
		Searchable => 1,
		Input => { 
			Type => "Text",
		Key => "LinkInventory", 
		Name => "Link Inventory", 
		Searchable => 1,
		Input => { 
			Type => "Text", 


- Key: Description
	Name: Description
	Searchable: 1
		Type: TextArea
		Required: 1
	CountMin: 0
	CountMax: 1
	CountDefault: 0
- Key: HostID
	Name: HostID
	Searchable: 1
		Type: Text
- Key: HostGroupID
	Name: HostGroupID
	Searchable: 1
		Type: Text
- Key: HostGroupName
	Name: HostGroupName
	Searchable: 1
		Type: Text
- Key: LinkInventory
	Name: LinkInventory
	Searchable: 1
		Type: Text

Once the class is defined, click save.

In the list screen it is possible to synchronize by clicking on the "Synchronize" button;


Upon clicking, a message is displayed informing the start of synchronization;


When finished, a message is displayed informing the synchronization success:


Synchronized successfully, you can now view the hosts in the CMDB class.

Synchronization is also performed automatically by setting the time through the configuration: Daemon::SchedulerCronTaskManager::Task###ZabbixInventorySync

Integration with DBConnector

Required modules for each database

DBD::mysql  => MySQL or MariaDB
DBD::Oracle => Oracle
DBD::Pg		=> PostgreSQL

After that it is already possible to integrate

To integrate, navigate to the integration management screen and choose the 'Connector with BD' option:

enter image description here

Add the parameters requested by the module:

DNS must match for each equivalent connector:

DBD::mysql  => DBI:mysql:database=DATABASE;host=HOST
DBD::ODBC   => DBI:ODBC:driver={SQL Server};Database=DATABASE;Server=HOST,1433
DBD::Oracle => DBI:Oracle://HOST:1521/DATABASE
DBD::Pg     => DBI:Pg:dbname=DATABASE;host=HOST

After that, define the cmdb class that will be made the relation and the state parameters:

enter image description here

After making this list, indicate the bank table column that will have the value saved in the key item that is chosen with it.

enter image description here

Then it is already possible to synchronize the data:

enter image description here

** The first column of the sql table is used as the identification value of the configuration item. ** If there is more than 1 row in the sql with the first column (identifier) ​​the same, it will be treated in the same way with multivalued fields and only 1 item with the key will remain.

Integration with OCS Inventory

Attention: Integration with OCS uses OCS Inventory REST API! Make sure the API is available on the server where OCS is located.

For more information access the OCS Inventory REST API documentation

For the integration with OCS Inventory you will need the following API information:

  • URL
  • User* (if configured)
  • Password*(if configured)
  • Basic authentication

enter image description here

As you proceed, you will be redirected to the configuration screen where you can define which computers will be synchronized according to the TAG defined in the OCS.

You can also choose to save in the attachment of the configuration item all the return of the request in JSON format.

enter image description here

You can verify that the integration is configured correctly by clicking the test integration button. If all goes well, a download of the JSON return from an OCS machine will start, the integration is OK.

enter image description here

As you proceed, you will be redirected to the CMDB class configuration that will be used to create the OCS items.

enter image description here

The class must be defined correctly. Use the definition below and change the definition of the class configured in the integration.

Download class definition for OCS Inventory

When finished and click on sync, the integration will start:

enter image description here

Upon completion, a success message will be displayed:

enter image description here

When accessing the class, it will be possible to view the items created:

enter image description here

You can define the time when the integration will be performed automatically through the configuration Daemon::SchedulerCronTaskManager::Task###OCSInventorySync